Personal Savings

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Savings Accounts - Highest Interest Fixed Rate Bonds

A selection of the highest interest fixed rate bond savings accounts (updated 08.11.2024)
Provider Fixed Term Interest Rate AER
Atom Bank 1 year 4.80%
SmartSave 1 year 4.76%
Gatehouse Bank 18 months 4.55%
Atom Bank 2 years 4.60%
Atom Bank 3 years 4.60%
SmartSave 4 years 4.38%
Atom Bank 5 years 4.50%
The data published on the website is intended to supply you with information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice as to the most suitable product for your own personal circumstances and requirements. Whilst we try to update rates regularly we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please always do your own research when considering your personal finance. Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to

Savings Accounts - Highest Interest Easy Access Accounts

Below are a selection of some of the highest interest easy access savings accounts (updated 08.11.2024)
Chip Chip Easy Access Saver 5.00%
Chetwood Bank Easy Access 4.86%
Vanquis Bank Easy Access 4.85%
Aldermore Bank Double Access Saver (2) 4.75%
Ford Money Flexible Saver 4.75%
The data published on the website is intended to supply you with information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice as to the most suitable product for your own personal circumstances and requirements. Whilst we try to update rates regularly we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please always do your own research when considering your personal finances. Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to

Savings Accounts - Cash ISAs

Below are a selection of some of the highest paying Cash ISAs (updated 08.11.2024)
Provider Term Interest Rate AER
Principality Building Society Online Bonus 5 Access Cash ISA 4.85%
Shawbrook Bank 1 Year fixed 4.47%
Shawbrook Bank 2 Years fixed 4.32%
United Trust Bank 3 Years fixed 4.30%
Shawbrook Bank 5 Years fixed 4.12%
The data published on the website is intended to supply you with information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice as to the most suitable product for your own personal circumstances and requirements. Whilst we try to update rates regularly we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please always do your own research when considering your personal finance. Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to