1. A Moneynet winners logo gives you independent recognition of your competitive product(s) and an edge over your competitors.
2. Check out all the latest winners
2. The winners logo will instantly give added impetus to your marketing and promotional messaging and an extra reason for a customer to consider your product.
3. Moneynet award winner’s logos are used to aid customer recruitment and retention by some of the biggest and most respected brands in personal finance.
4. A one-off licence fee gives you unlimited (not a 12 month time restriction like other industry awards) and unrestricted use of the winner’s logo, so you can use it:
5. As part of the deal you can request a free a written testimonial about your winning product(s) from respected personal finance commentator Andrew Hagger that you can use in your PR and marketing.
6. Online or offline, your success will be highly visible – a hi res (EPS) and lo res (JPEG) version of the logo will be created and emailed to you within 24 hours of confirming your purchase. For more information on how your company can purchase a licence to display a Moneynet Award Winners logo email moneycomms@gmail.com